Friday, December 19, 2008

Noahs Birthday

Today Noah turned 2! We had fun opening gifts from Nana and Mumi and then daddy set him up a new trampoline. And Noah was so happy when he saw it, he said "Not broken!". (the mat was half way to the ground from ripped out springs on our old one) Here are some highlights:

Couldn't resist this funny video! ... Am I a bad mom/person for finding humor in this?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We had a ballet recital last night and Elina was so proud to dance and be a "baby doll". She made invitations for her friends, (Charlotte is 13 and Madeline is 9 at church) to come to her recital! And even had to sleep with the invitations in her hand on Saturday night so she wouldn't forget them on church day!


Thanks guys! You really made my night! And made me cry...we really miss you!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


We had our ward Christmas party tonight and it was pretty good. A little overwhelming having to herd Noah away from the GLASS Christmas tree ornaments! But right when Jason and I were about to tap out and go home early, the activities coordinator announced time to decorate sugar cookies and drink hot chocolate. And our whole family LOVES anything we survived.

Anyways, here are some snapshots: The girls are adorable on Santa (aka Brother Rices) lap!

But Noah could care less. So when we got home I took a quick photo of him stuffing his face with an orange, just so the boy wouldn't be left out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Herding Cats

A friend of Jason's from school, Geoff, recently wrote us an email about our new assignment, Fort Carson. Anyways, he had this to say by way of congratulations on our third child. I thought it was right on the money, should be copyrighted, and printed on t-shirts that should be handed out at the maternity ward once you have your third and move into a different class of motherhood!

"I've always felt that once we went from 2 to 3 kids, the wife began the process of herding cats. The lead two scamper around wherever sunlight hits something shiny and she's one-arming the baby, the diaper bag, the car keys, 3 jackets, etc. Good luck Ariel! Being a mom is way harder than going to work."

Can I get an AMEN!?!