Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fun with the KitchenAid

Fun with Noah

While waiting for Jason to get home one day, Noah and I had a fun photo shoot! Noah just loves to play with the camera, so I took a few minutes and let him take a few shots. And also showed him the pictures on the camera screen after each picture was taken. We had a blast!

Hail Storm in Colorado

So this hail storm is the reason we were in the kitchen getting crazy with the cookies last week! If you listen closely you can hear my kids yelling "Snow, Snow" about seeing the hail bounce around. But we sure do love the mild weather and green grass the summer storms bring to Colorado!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pina Colada Smoothies

Jason's momma (Nana) makes the most yummy Pina Colada Smoothies. So the other night after making Chicken Coconut Curry, we had leftover coconut milk and pineapple. And there is only one thing to make with that...Smoothies! Well Lydia really liked them, especially when I gave her her own cup. It was very entertaining to watch her drink it down and even more sad when she started crying because it was all gone!

Making Cookies

Inspired by my good friend Angie, I got a very brave and let the big kids help with the chocolate chip cookies yesterday!

Everybody needs a little cookie dough once in a while,

But where are the Chandlers when you need help eating it?!

After washing out the bowl and finishing up in the kitchen, this is what I found in the living room! One of my big kids decided their little sister needed a chocolate chip cookies too. Darn the stinkin builder for putting white carpet in my spec house!

Luckily, I had just bought a Little Green steam cleaner. So I got to try my hand at it with the chocolate mess!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kinder Eggs!

Yeah for KinderEggs! And Yeah! for my brother marrying a sweet sweet German Girl last month so I always have the hook up! We Love you Lucia!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lookin for Jill!

Jill Moore! You commented on my blog yesterday, and I have no idea how to get back in touch with you! We have been looking for your family since you left AZ...please email me your contact info! Its Just in case you didn't want to put your info up for the world to see, I will gladly put mine up if it means hearing from you, we miss you guys so much!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

So we get to the zoo today and first thing sit down to take a family picture, before we forget! And we get the camera all set up on the stroller and figure out how to use the timer. So we get Ellie and Noah settled around Jason and I press the button and run over to pose and make the timer. Then I pick up the camera so see how the picture turned out and realize we forgot a kid! I quickly reset the timer, put the camera back on the stroller and marched over to the bench to get a picture of our WHOLE family!

The monkey house was awesome! All of the apes were so active and engaging with each other and the people too. Very entertaining!

I think the funniest part of the day was hearing my kids singing while we were at the hippo exhibit. Elina's chanting "Moto Moto in the house, Moto Moto break it down!" And here comes Noah, not missing a beat, "I like 'em big, I like 'em chuncky, I like 'em round, With somethin somethin!" Jason and I were dying laughing! (If you don't get this humor you NEED to watch Madagascar 2, trust me, you will be happy you did!)

OK, giraffe tongues are disgusting! Elina is obviously brave enough to feed the giraffes, but Noah will have none of that. He very quickly threw his cracker over the fence and went around the corner to find some buttons to push!

And last, of course, is our sweet baby Lydia. She was so good today and loved being chauffeured around the zoo in the style of our jogging stroller! We did buy a family pass, and are looking forward to going again soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My baby is growing up...

This is a picture of Lydia the day she was officially boobie free! We are just a few days shy of nine months, but her teeth just had other and baby are adjusting well to bottles and a little more freedom! Haha! Jason said translation: Now daddy gets up to nurse the baby in the middle of the night!